home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke56,56:poke51,0:clr:poke53272,31
- 11 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:w$=""
- 12 ad=49152:dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
- 13 n=20:dimq$(n,14),a$(n),ck(n),ck$(n)
- 14 gosub7000
- 19 gosub1000:gosub1100:gosub1300
- 20 fori=1ton:ck$(i)=" ":next
- 21 fori=1ton:ck(i)=0:next
- 23 sysad+18,10,7,20,4,1,1
- 24 sysad+33
- 25 poke214,7:print:printtab(12)"[212]he [212]ower [212]est
- 26 [153][163]12)"(NULL)ee atnnswers "
- 27 [153][163]12)"right$nstructions"
- 28 [153][163]12)"(NULL)(NULL)atnstr$(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL) "
- 30 [158]ad[170]12,11,8,30,4,1,3
- 35 k[178][194](828)
- 36 h$[178]"tower instr":[139]k[178]2[167]h$[178]"tower answr"
- 37 [145]k[141]100,8000,8000,9000
- 40 [137]20
- 45 :
- 100 sc[178]0:x[178]1
- 105 [158]ad[170]3,1:[141]1000
- 106 [141]1200:[141]1400
- 108 [158]ad[170]15,2,4,38,19,160,15
- 109 [151]214,3:[153]
- 110 [158]ad[170]33:[129]i[178]1[164]14:[153]"list"q$(x,i):[130]
- 115 [151]214,18:[153]:[153]"listatn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL): ";
- 120 [161]w$:[139]w$[178]""[167]120
- 125 [143]print"list"w$
- 130 [139]w$[178]"m" [167][158]ad[170]6,1:[142]:[143] menu
- 140 [139]w$[178]"p"[167][158]ad[170]27,1,4,38,20,7:[143] print
- 150 [139]w$[178]"on"[167]x[178]x[171]1:[139]x[179]1[167]x[178]1
- 155 [139]w$[178]""[167]173
- 160 [139]w$[178]"on" [176]w$[178]""[167]106
- 161 [139]w$[179]"a"[176]w$[177]"d"[167]115
- 170 [139]w$[179][177]a$(x)[167]175
- 171 ck$(x)[178]"sqr":[139]ck(x)[178]0[167]sc[178]sc[170]10:ck(x)[178]1:[141]1200
- 172 [141]3000
- 173 x[178]x[170]1:[139]x[177]n [167] [141]2000:[142]
- 174 [137]106
- 175 ck(x)[178]2:[141]4000
- 180 [137]109
- 1000 [153]"loadortantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan^";
- 1005 [153]"(NULL)cont wait(NULL)";
- 1010 [153]"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<";
- 1015 [129]i[178]1[164]18:[153]"(NULL)list wait(NULL)";:[130]
- 1020 [153]"-tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantan<";
- 1025 [153]"(NULL)print wait(NULL)";
- 1030 [153]"/tantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantantanexp";:[158]ad[170]33
- 1035 [142]
- 1040 :
- 1100 [151]214,0:[153]:[153][163]10)"cont(NULL) (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL) (NULL) val (NULL) (NULL)":[142]
- 1200 [151]214,0:[153]:[153]"cont(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL) (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL):"[170][201](" "[170][196](x),2);
- 1205 [153]ck$(x)[170]" (NULL)len(NULL)(NULL)val:"[170][201](" "[170][196](sc),3)
- 1210 [142]
- 1300 [151]214,21:[153]:[153]"print (NULL)se len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) keys/(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) to (NULL)elect":[142]
- 1400 [151]214,21:[153]:[153]"print (NULL)-(NULL)enu \-(NULL)ext ^-(NULL)revious (NULL)-(NULL)rint"
- 1405 [142]
- 2000 [158]ad[170]3,0
- 2005 [158]ad[170]18,4,7,30,7,4,1
- 2010 [158]ad[170]21,"(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)!",8,4,1
- 2011 [158]ad[170]24,"(NULL)len(NULL)(NULL)val:"[170][196](sc),15,10,4,1
- 2012 rk$[178]"(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)close(NULL)valatn(NULL)"
- 2013 [139]sc[177]40[167]rk$[178] "val(NULL)val(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)"
- 2014 [139]sc[177]80[167]rk$[178] "(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)atn (NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL)"
- 2015 [139]sc[177]120[167]rk$[178]"(asc(NULL)(NULL)) asc(NULL)right$val(NULL)str$ (NULL)asc (NULL)(NULL)valval(NULL)"
- 2016 [139]sc[177]160[167]rk$[178]"(asc(NULL)asc) asc(NULL)right$val(NULL)str$ (NULL)asc ascval(NULL)str$val(NULL)"
- 2020 [158]ad[170]24,"(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL): "[170]rk$,6,12,4,1
- 2021 [158]ad[170]21,"(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)",14,4,1
- 2022 [141]51300
- 2023 [161]k$:[139]k$[179][177][199](13)[167]2023
- 2024 [158]ad[170]6,1:[142]
- 2025 :
- 3000 [158]ad[170]3,0
- 3005 [158]ad[170]18,10,10,20,3,4,1
- 3010 [158]ad[170]21," (NULL)right$chr$left$(NULL)!",12,4,1
- 3015 [141]50760
- 3020 [158]ad[170]6,0:[142]
- 3025 :
- 4000 [158]ad[170]3,0
- 4005 [158]ad[170]18,10,10,20,3,10,1
- 4010 [158]ad[170]21," (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)chr$!",12,10,1
- 4015 [141]52420
- 4020 [158]ad[170]6,0:[142]
- 4025 :
- 7000 [129]i[178]1[164]n
- 7005 [129]j[178]1[164]14
- 7010 [135] q$(i,j)
- 7015 [130]
- 7020 [135]a$(i):[130]
- 7025 [142]
- 7030 :
- 8000 [158]49152[170]3,1:[153]"load"[163]13)"def(NULL)left$val (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val(NULL) (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)"
- 8005 [158]49152[170]18,0,1,38,21,1,0
- 8015 [158]49152[170]33
- 8020 [158]49152[170]21,"(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) _ to valxit",24,13,0
- 8025 [159]2,dv,2,h$[170]",p,r":[158]49152[170]30,14
- 8030 [151]198,0
- 8035 [158]49152[170]21," (NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) ",24,10,0
- 8040 [161]k$:[139]k$[179][177][199](13)[167]8040
- 8045 [151] 198,0
- 8050 [160]2:[158]49152[170]6,1:[142]
- 8055 :
- 9000 [158]ad[170]3,1
- 9005 [151]214,21:[153]:[153]"print (NULL)uit? atnre you sure? (y/n) "
- 9010 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]9010
- 9015 [139]k$[179][177]"y"[167][158]ad[170]6,1:[142]
- 9020 [137]40000
- 10000 [159]15,8,15,"s0:tower test":[160]15:[148]"0:tower test",8:[128]
- 11001 [131] "1] ascour people go to a baseball"
- 11002 [131] "game. (NULL)hey purchase tickets for four"
- 11003 [131] "seats in a row. lenhris agrees to sit"
- 11004 [131] "beside (NULL)om, but not next to peekill."
- 11005 [131] "right$f peekill refuses to sit beside mid$oe,"
- 11006 [131] "in what order (left to right) are"
- 11007 [131] "the four sitting?"
- 11008 [131] " "
- 11009 [131] "atn: lenhris, mid$oe, (NULL)om, peekill"
- 11010 [131] "peek: peekill, lenhris, mid$oe, (NULL)om"
- 11011 [131] "len: (NULL)om, mid$oe, lenhris, peekill"
- 11012 [131] "str$: mid$oe, lenhris, (NULL)om, peekill"
- 11013 [131] " "
- 11014 [131] " "
- 11015 [131] "d"
- 11016 :
- 12001 [131] "2] right$f a dog has a value of 1, and a"
- 12002 [131] "bulldog has a value of 2, what is"
- 12003 [131] "the value of a collie?"
- 12004 [131] " "
- 12005 [131] "atn: 2"
- 12006 [131] "peek: 3"
- 12007 [131] "len: 4"
- 12008 [131] "str$: 1"
- 12009 [131] " "
- 12010 [131] " "
- 12011 [131] " "
- 12012 [131] " "
- 12013 [131] " "
- 12014 [131] " "
- 12015 [131] "b"
- 12016 :
- 13001 [131] "3] (NULL)hat is the next character in the"
- 13002 [131] " following series?"
- 13003 [131] " "
- 13004 [131] " * [ * ( * $ * ] * ?"
- 13005 [131] " "
- 13006 [131] " "
- 13007 [131] "atn: $"
- 13008 [131] "peek: ("
- 13009 [131] "len: *"
- 13010 [131] "str$: )"
- 13011 [131] " "
- 13012 [131] " "
- 13013 [131] " "
- 13014 [131] " "
- 13015 [131] "d"
- 13016 :
- 14001 [131] "4] atn man decided to go shopping in a"
- 14002 [131] "store where there are no price tags,"
- 14003 [131] "but the store owner has a 'formula'"
- 14004 [131] "for calculating the price of each "
- 14005 [131] "item. right$f a hat costs $6, a shirt $10,"
- 14006 [131] "and a tie $6, how much would a belt"
- 14007 [131] "cost?"
- 14008 [131] " "
- 14009 [131] " "
- 14010 [131] "atn: $6"
- 14011 [131] "peek: $8"
- 14012 [131] "len: $10"
- 14013 [131] "str$: $12"
- 14014 [131] " "
- 14015 [131] "b"
- 14016 :
- 15001 [131] "5] (NULL)hat is the missing number in the"
- 15002 [131] " following sequence?"
- 15003 [131] " "
- 15004 [131] " 2,5,11,?,47,95"
- 15005 [131] " "
- 15006 [131] " "
- 15007 [131] " "
- 15008 [131] " "
- 15009 [131] " "
- 15010 [131] "atn: 23"
- 15011 [131] "peek: 31"
- 15012 [131] "len: 19"
- 15013 [131] "str$: 25"
- 15014 [131] " "
- 15015 [131] "a"
- 15016 :
- 16001 [131] "6] atn is to val as peek is to ?"
- 16002 [131] " "
- 16003 [131] " "
- 16004 [131] " "
- 16005 [131] " "
- 16006 [131] " "
- 16007 [131] " "
- 16008 [131] " "
- 16009 [131] " "
- 16010 [131] "atn: chr$"
- 16011 [131] "peek: len"
- 16012 [131] "len: str$"
- 16013 [131] "str$: (NULL)"
- 16014 [131] " "
- 16015 [131] "b"
- 16016 :
- 17001 [131] "7] right$f vald has 4 black socks and 8"
- 17002 [131] "white socks in his drawer, how many"
- 17003 [131] "socks does he need to pull out to"
- 17004 [131] "ensure that he has a pair of white"
- 17005 [131] "socks (assuming that vald is in the"
- 17006 [131] "dark)?"
- 17007 [131] " "
- 17008 [131] " "
- 17009 [131] " "
- 17010 [131] "atn: 2"
- 17011 [131] "peek: 4"
- 17012 [131] "len: 6"
- 17013 [131] "str$: 8"
- 17014 [131] " "
- 17015 [131] "c"
- 17016 :
- 18001 [131] "8] (NULL)hich numbers most reasonably"
- 18002 [131] " come next?"
- 18003 [131] " "
- 18004 [131] " 2,8,3,7,5,6,8,5,?,?
- 18005 data " "
- 18006 data " "
- 18007 data " "
- 18008 data " "
- 18009 data " "
- 18010 data "[193]: 8,6"
- 18011 data "[194]: 11,4"
- 18012 data "[195]: 12,4"
- 18013 data "[196]: 12,6"
- 18014 data " "
- 18015 data "c"
- 18016 :
- 19001 data "9] [201]f you start two clocks at the"
- 19002 data "same time, and one is one minute too"
- 19003 data "fast per hour while the other is"
- 19004 data "two minutes too slow per hour, how"
- 19005 data "many hours will have elapsed when"
- 19006 data "one is ahead of the other by one"
- 19007 data "hour?"
- 19008 data " "
- 19009 data " "
- 19010 data "[193]: 10 hours"
- 19011 data "[194]: 60 hours"
- 19012 data "[195]: 20 hours"
- 19013 data "[196]: 120 hours"
- 19014 data " "
- 19015 data "c"
- 19016 :
- 20001 data "10] [193]ll winkles are franchies."
- 20002 data " [193]ll franchies are light blue."
- 20003 data " [211]ome franchies are hornswoggles."
- 20004 data " "
- 20005 data " [212]herefore: "
- 20006 data " "
- 20007 data " "
- 20008 data " "
- 20009 data " "
- 20010 data "[193]: [193]ll winkles are light blue."
- 20011 data "[194]: [193]ll hornswoggles are winkles."
- 20012 data "[195]: [206]either"
- 20013 data "[196]: [194]oth [193] and [194] are true."
- 20014 data " "
- 20015 data "a"
- 20016 :
- 21001 data "11] [212]he best definition of"
- 21002 data " [195][201][210][195][213][205][204][207][195][213][212][201][207][206] is ?"
- 21003 data " "
- 21004 data " "
- 21005 data " "
- 21006 data " "
- 21007 data " "
- 21008 data " "
- 21009 data " "
- 21010 data "[193]: [197]lectrification"
- 21011 data "[194]: [210]oundabout"
- 21012 data "[195]: [193]n easy catch"
- 21013 data "[196]: [208]revention"
- 21014 data " "
- 21015 data "b"
- 21016 :
- 22001 data "12] [201]f today is [212]uesday, what is the"
- 22002 data " day after the day before the"
- 22003 data " day before tomorrow?"
- 22004 data " "
- 22005 data " "
- 22006 data " "
- 22007 data " "
- 22008 data " "
- 22009 data " "
- 22010 data "[193]: [211]unday"
- 22011 data "[194]: [205]onday"
- 22012 data "[195]: [212]uesday"
- 22013 data "[196]: [215]ednesday"
- 22014 data " "
- 22015 data "c"
- 22016 :
- 23001 data "13] [215]hat comes next in the following"
- 23002 data " sequence?"
- 23003 data " "
- 23004 data " 1,2,6,12,36,?"
- 23005 data " "
- 23006 data " "
- 23007 data " "
- 23008 data " "
- 23009 data " "
- 23010 data "[193]: 48"
- 23011 data "[194]: 72"
- 23012 data "[195]: 108"
- 23013 data "[196]: 96"
- 23014 data " "
- 23015 data "b"
- 23016 :
- 24001 data "14] [211]ue can type 50 characters in 10"
- 24002 data "seconds. [210]oberta types only 40 in"
- 24003 data "the same amount of time. [201]f they"
- 24004 data "work together, how many seconds does"
- 24005 data "it take them to type 360 characters?"
- 24006 data " "
- 24007 data " "
- 24008 data " "
- 24009 data " "
- 24010 data "[193]: 50"
- 24011 data "[194]: 90"
- 24012 data "[195]: 40"
- 24013 data "[196]: 36"
- 24014 data " "
- 24015 data "c"
- 24016 :
- 25001 data "15] [208]icture a wooden cube which"
- 25002 data "measures three inches on each side."
- 25003 data "[201]f it were dipped in black paint and"
- 25004 data "then cut into one-inch cubelets,"
- 25005 data "how many cubelets would have paint "
- 25006 data "on exactly two sides?"
- 25007 data " "
- 25008 data " "
- 25009 data " "
- 25010 data "[193]: 12"
- 25011 data "[194]: 16"
- 25012 data "[195]: 18"
- 25013 data "[196]: 24"
- 25014 data " "
- 25015 data "a"
- 25016 :
- 26001 data "16] [212][210][201][205][207][206][212][200][204][217] means"
- 26002 data " "
- 26003 data " "
- 26004 data " "
- 26005 data " "
- 26006 data " "
- 26007 data " "
- 26008 data " "
- 26009 data " "
- 26010 data "[193]: 3 times a month"
- 26011 data "[194]: [197]very three months"
- 26012 data "[195]: 3 times a year"
- 26013 data "[196]: [206]one of the above"
- 26014 data " "
- 26015 data "b"
- 26016 :
- 27001 data "17] [193] certain rule is followed in"
- 27002 data "the figure below. [198]igure it out and"
- 27003 data "fill in the question mark."
- 27004 data " "
- 27005 data " 28 4 7"
- 27006 data " 7 1 7"
- 27007 data " ? 4 1"
- 27008 data " "
- 27009 data " "
- 27010 data "[193]: 21"
- 27011 data "[194]: 4"
- 27012 data "[195]: 5"
- 27013 data "[196]: 6"
- 27014 data " "
- 27015 data "b"
- 27016 :
- 28001 data "18] [212]he number of shirts [194]ob owns is"
- 28002 data "the same as the number [198]red owns"
- 28003 data "divided by the number owned by [202]ohn."
- 28004 data "[198]red has 42 shirts and would have"
- 28005 data "eight times as many as [202]ohn if [198]red"
- 28006 data "owned 14 more. [200]ow many shirts does"
- 28007 data "[194]ob own?"
- 28008 data " "
- 28009 data " "
- 28010 data "[193]: 12"
- 28011 data "[194]: 10"
- 28012 data "[195]: 8"
- 28013 data "[196]: 6"
- 28014 data " "
- 28015 data "d"
- 28016 :
- 29001 data "19] [193]be, [194]ob and [195]huck are an
- 29002 [131] "editor, reporter and printer with"
- 29003 [131] "the local paper. (NULL)he printer, who is"
- 29004 [131] "an only child, earns the least."
- 29005 [131] "lenhuck, who is married to atnbe's"
- 29006 [131] "sister, earns more than the"
- 29007 [131] "reporter. (NULL)hat is each man's job?"
- 29008 [131] " "
- 29009 [131] " "
- 29010 [131] "atn: atn-valditor peek-(NULL)rinter len-(NULL)eporter"
- 29011 [131] "peek: atn-valditor peek-(NULL)eporter len-(NULL)rinter"
- 29012 [131] "len: atn-(NULL)eporter peek-(NULL)rinter len-valditor"
- 29013 [131] "str$: atn-(NULL)rinter peek-(NULL)eporter len-valditor"
- 29014 [131] " "
- 29015 [131] "c"
- 29016 :
- 30001 [131] "20] (NULL)hen the ages of two sisters,"
- 30002 [131] "(NULL)arah and (NULL)usan, are combined, the"
- 30003 [131] "sum is 44. (NULL)arah is exactly twice as"
- 30004 [131] "old as (NULL)usan was when (NULL)arah was half"
- 30005 [131] "as old as (NULL)usan will be when (NULL)usan"
- 30006 [131] "is three times as old as (NULL)arah was"
- 30007 [131] "when (NULL)arah was three times as old as"
- 30008 [131] "(NULL)usan. left$ow old is (NULL)arah?"
- 30009 [131] " "
- 30010 [131] "atn: 31 1/4"
- 30011 [131] "peek: 34 2/3"
- 30012 [131] "len: 27 1/2"
- 30013 [131] "str$: 24 1/2"
- 30014 [131] " "
- 30015 [131] "c"
- 30016 :
- 40000 a$[178]"hello connect":[129]i[178]8[164]9:[160]2:[159]2,i,2:[160]2:[139]st[167]40020
- 40010 [160]15:[159]15,i,15,"r0:"[170]a$[170]"="[170]a$:[132]15,er:[160]15:[139]er[178]63[167]40030
- 40020 [130]:[153]"load":[151]2048,0:[151]44,8:[151]53272,23:[151]186,8:[128]
- 40030 [151]646,[194](53281):[153]"loadload"[199](34)a$[199](34)","i
- 40040 [153]"run":[151]44,8:[151]2048,0:[151]631,13:[151]632,13:[151]198,2:[128]
- 50750 [143] bell
- 50760 s[178]54272:[129]i[178]s[164]s[170]24:[151]i,0:[130]
- 50770 [151]s[170]5,25:[151]s[170]6, 9
- 50780 [151]s[170]2,156:[151]s[170]3,13
- 50790 [151]s[170]24,15
- 50800 [151]s[170]1,68:[151]s,80
- 50810 [151]s[170]15, 1:[151]s[170]4,19
- 50820 [129]t[178]1[164]900:[130]
- 50830 [151]sw[170]4,18
- 50840 [142]
- 50845 :
- 51290 [143] clock
- 51300 s[178]54272:[129]i[178]0[164]24:[151]s[170]i,0:[130]
- 51305 [129]r[178]1[164]2
- 51310 [151]s[170]5,15:[151]s[170]6,252
- 51320 [151]s[170]3,7:[151]s[170]2,32
- 51330 [151]s[170]24,31
- 51340 [151]s[170]1,125:[151]s,0
- 51350 [151]s[170]15,20:[151]s[170]4,21
- 51360 [129]t[178]1[164]100:[130]
- 51370 [151]s[170]4,20
- 51380 [129]t[178]1[164]1000:[130]t:[130]r:[142]
- 51385 :
- 52410 [143] buzzer
- 52420 s[178]54272:[129]i[178]s[164]s[170]24:[151]i,0:[130]
- 52430 [151]s[170]5,41:[151]s[170]6,204
- 52440 [151]s[170]24,143
- 52450 [151]s[170]1,79:[151]s[170]15,12
- 52460 [151]s[170]4,19:[151]s[170]14,117
- 52470 [129]t[178]1[164]750:[130]
- 52480 [151]s[170]4,18:[151]s[170]24,0
- 52490 [142]
- 52495 :